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Installing Access Control System to Control Multi-Level Access Permits

One of the greatest challenge we faced was controlling the access of a multi-story office building with rented facilities. While they had individual access control system in place, it simply was not measuring up. It was fraught with issues and reliability concerns and certainly did not instill the type of confidence that the client had planned, so they set out to find a security solution that could expand with its needs.

When the job of installing a new security system was tendered, the choice to hire our Services, who had done similar applications in the past, seemed fairly obvious. With Matrix Secuirty system behind us, it secured the project and began installation of a Matrix Access Control system in the building. The problems the client experienced with the previous access control system it had, having the manufacturer at the table with us during the tender was a big help. It really showed the committed relationship between the manufacturer and the security and access control integrator. It really instilled confidence in the turnkey solution that we had proposed.

Currently Matrix Cosec access control system is installed in approximately 20 offices of the building. There are approximately 120 readers with slightly different functionality in each office, but all are operating on a database maintained by employees. However, the system operating on their wide area network (WAN) and the entire system is overseen by building security Office integrated with CCTV camera system.


Contact us for a hassle-free consultation and one of our expert security consultants will be happy to help find the solutions that's right for you.

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